Monday 8 February 2016

Benefits of Yoga Classes for the Youth

Yoga is a healthy and positively enriching activity that you can introduce even to young kids and teens. It is a great alternative to more strenuous and physically demanding activities that focuses not only on the physical but the emotional wellbeing. Yoga is believed to help teens and children deal with stress, anxiety, and even depression, while teaching them how to pay attention to their body and what it is telling them. The following are some of the greatest benefits of taking yoga classes to young peoples:

•    Focused breathing – The different breathing exercises that yoga teaches can help energize their young bodies and encourage relaxation. Different techniques and games can be taught to help young people be more aware of their body as they perform deep breathing exercises. These practices also help increase their focus as well as enhance their breathing and lung capacity. Through breathing exercises, stress is reduced naturally while the release of healthy hormones is encouraged.

•    Strength building – Many people think that yoga is only good for stretching. However, it is also a great way to build strength. The different poses and sequences that yoga teaches help enhance the strength of different muscle groups while also enhancing body awareness and coordination. Strong bodies can support load stress better, maintain a healthy weight, and function more efficiently.

•    Balance and focus – Different balancing poses also teach children increased focus, which also naturally increase attention and balance. They help children develop intrinsic strength, while also encouraging meditative states and promoting the stillness of the mind. This is extremely beneficial in helping them deal with the stress of constant stimulation coming from their chaotic environments.

•    Flexibility – Stretching exercises promote better flexibility, which in turn helps develop agility and quick movements as joints and bones are pulled and stretched through various poses.